Programs & Tuition
Core Programs
CPNS offers 4 core programs: two, three, four, and five day per week multi-age classes, held from August-June. Multi-age programs offer age flexibility with greater leadership and role modeling opportunities.
Each class consists of a balance of adult-led group experiences and long blocks of uninterrupted child-initiated play.
Our large group activities include storytelling, reading, singing, special guests, sharing, and announcements. During this time, your child will become comfortable with the expectations of a formal learning environment.
Free play encompasses the rest of the time at school, with the entire campus, indoors and out, available for exploration at all times. While your child plays, our teachers will gently guide their growth and development, allowing them to learn all they need to know to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
All of our programs are co-op based, with mandatory 1x/week parent participation, yielding high adult to child ratios that benefit the children in numerous ways.
Teacher Julie
Age at time of enrollment: 20 months*-4 years old
*Child must be 20 months by Sept 1. Parent remains on-site during school until child is 2 years
Time: Tues, Thurs 9:00-11:30am
Monthly Tuition: $300
Adult Child Ratio: 1:2
Teacher Denise
Age at time of enrollment: 2-5 years old
Time: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00am-12:00pm
Monthly Tuition: $540
Adult Child Ratio: 1:3
Teacher Jill
Age at time of enrollment: 3.5-6 years old
Time: Mon-Thurs 12:30-3:30 PM
Monthly Tuition: $550
Adult Child Ratio: 1:4
Teacher Denise and Teacher Julie
Age at time of enrollment: 2.5-5 years old
Time: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm
Monthly Tuition: $790
Adult Child Ratio: 1:3
Pre-K Program
Our highly successful Pre-K program, taught by Teacher Lori, has been in existence for over 30 years. Rather than attempt to teach children the subjects they will be introduced to in kindergarten, we emphasize the readiness aspects of learning. Pre-K activities include cooking, field trips, science experiments, and fine and gross motor practice.
Through adult-directed play, children participate in large and small groups that concentrate on the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills needed for kindergarten. Pre-Kers begin and end their day with a large circle time and lunch, which feature musical activities, story sequencing, and community visitors. They are encouraged to raise hands, wait turns, and problem-solve with peers.
Typically, our Pre-K program is attended in conjunction with the 4-day core class making the schedule 10:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday.
Teacher Lori
Age by Sept 1st: 4 years old
Time: Mon-Thurs 10:30am-12:30pm
Monthly Tuition: $350
Parent Co-op Requirements (per child): Every other week
Adult Child Ratio: 1:4
Summer Camp
Splash your way into summer at CPNS! Spend the days running through the sprinklers, playing with friends and exploring our huge outdoor play yard! Camp is open to kids 2.5 - 7 years old. Camp will be split into 2 week sessions and will be held Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am- 12:00 pm. Parents are expected to co-op at camp only once per session!
Session 1: 6/17 - 6/27 (off 6/19 for Juneteenth)
Session 2: 7/1 - 7/11 (off 7/4 for Independence Day)
Session 3: 7/15 - 7/25
NEW this year! We are pleased to offer a Lunch Bunch (with limited capacity) from 12pm - 12:30pm, Mon-Thu, for $100 per camp session. This will be a calming time for children to eat lunch together, read stories, and have some quiet time after a day full of fun. Openings for Lunch Bunch are limited.
Priority enrollment for current CPNS families ends March 1. Registration opens to the public beginning March 2nd.
Cost per Session*
Registered by March 1st: $355
Registered after March 1st: $375
Lunch Bunch Option: +$100 (pending availability - spaces limited)
*10% discount for sibling
Parent Workday Requirements** (per child): Once per session
**$50 co-op buy out- Coverage permitting
Note: Maximum 24 students per session
Tuition Assistance
CPNS is committed to offering high quality early education to all children. We offer financial assistance in the form of scholarships and barter work. You can find the application here.
The application period for the scholarship and work barter programs for the 2025-26 school year is now open. Applications will be accepted through June 1.
Due to enrollment changes that occasionally occur throughout the year, we may be able to provide additional assistance if funds become available. Please email your application to for review and we will contact you soon.